Planner Ideas for Beginners: 18 Things You Should Include

You love staying organized and keeping your life on track.

Whether you’re a student, a working professional, or just someone who wants to make the most out of each day, a planner can be your best friend.

That’s why we’re here to share 18 planner ideas that are perfect for beginners like you.

So grab your pens, stickers, and washi tape, because it’s time to get organized and create a planner that’s as unique as you are.

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1. Daily Tasks

Task lists are a great way to stay organized and on top of your daily responsibilities. Jotting down your tasks in a planner can help you prioritize and ensure that nothing gets forgotten.

Planner Ideas for Beginners: Daily To-Do List

However, it’s important to find a system that works for you.

Consider using tools like Todoist, which can make the process even more convenient.

With your smartphone always at hand, you can easily capture any ideas or tasks on the go and then move them to your planner later.

This way, you can ensure that nothing gets forgotten.

2. Bucket list

Bucket lists are a cool way to jot down all the awesome things you wanna do in this lifetime.

Bucket list

Whether it’s skydiving, backpacking through Europe, or even just learning to play the guitar, your bucket list is where it’s at.

Think of it as your ultimate goal collection – a reminder of all the dreams and aspirations that make life exciting.

3. Goal Tracker

With a goal tracker in your planner, you can set targets for the week, month, or even the entire year.

It’s a great way to keep track of your progress and celebrate each milestone you achieve along the way.

Goal Tracker

As a beginner, you can start by brainstorming your goals and breaking them down into smaller, achievable milestones.

Then, create a visually appealing tracker in your planner where you can mark your progress.

By consistently hitting those milestones, you’ll not only stay motivated but also feel a sense of accomplishment.

4. Habit Tracker

We all know how challenging it can be to stick to our goals and establish healthy habits. That’s why including a habit tracker in your planner is a great idea!

Habit Tracker

Whether it’s hitting the gym, reading more books, or practicing gratitude, having a visual representation of your progress will help you stay accountable.

Simply create a table or chart in your planner and mark off each day you complete your desired habit.

It’s a simple yet effective way to stay motivated and on track toward achieving your goals.

5. Meal Planner

We all love good food, right? So why not plan your meals in advance to save time and make healthier choices?

Create a weekly menu and jot down the ingredients you need to buy.

This way, you’ll have a clear plan for your meals and won’t waste time wondering what to cook each day.

Meal Planner

Plus, it’s a great opportunity to try out new recipes and experiment with different flavors.

6. Fitness Log

Fitness is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle, and keeping track of your workouts can help you stay motivated and see your progress over time.

In your planner, include a fitness log where you can monitor your workouts and note down the exercises you’ve completed, along with the duration.

Fitness Equipments

This will not only help you stay organized but also allow you to track any personal records you’ve achieved.

Whether it’s running, weightlifting, or yoga, having a dedicated space to record your fitness activities will help you stay on top of your goals.

7. Inspirational Quotes

Quotes are a great addition to your planner to keep you motivated and inspired throughout the day. Fill your planner with uplifting quotes that resonate with you and give you that extra push to tackle your to-do list.

Inspirational Quotes

Whether it’s a famous quote from a favorite author or a personal mantra, having these words of wisdom in your planner can make a big difference in your mindset.

Simply dedicate a page or section in your planner for inspirational quotes.

You can write them down yourself, print them out, or even use colorful sticky notes to add a pop of positivity to your planner.

8. Brainstorming Pages

Brainstorming is a crucial step in the planning process, so make sure to dedicate a few pages to your planner for this purpose.


Let your creative thoughts flow and jot down any ideas or mind maps that come to mind throughout the day.

Whether it’s for a new project, a to-do list, or even just random thoughts, having a designated space for brainstorming will help you stay organized and inspired.

You can set aside a section in your planner where you can freely write down your ideas.

9. Gratitude Journal

Each day, take a moment to jot down things that you are grateful for.

It could be as simple as appreciating a delicious meal, a warm hug, or a beautiful sunset.

Writing a Gratitude Journal

By actively acknowledging and documenting these moments of gratitude, you can cultivate a greater sense of joy and contentment in your daily life.

To do this, set aside a few minutes each day to reflect on your day and write down at least three things you are grateful for.

You can use a dedicated journal or even a notebook to record your thoughts.

But remember, journaling is a personal experience, so make it your own by adding additional information that is meaningful to you.

10. Financial Tracker

This will help you manage your finances better.

It’s also a great way to stay accountable and make sure you’re on track with your savings goals.

Financial Tracker

To get started, set up a section in your planner dedicated to finances. Use colorful tabs or dividers to separate different categories like bills, budgets, and savings.

Each month, create a budget based on your income and set aside specific amounts for different expenses.

As the month goes on, track your expenses and compare them to your budget.

This will give you a clear picture of where your money is going and help you make adjustments if needed.

Additionally, set financial goals for yourself, whether it’s saving for a vacation or paying off debt. Write them down in your planner and track your progress regularly.

11. Travel Destinations

You can start planning your dream vacations or weekend getaways with a travel planner. Make a checklist of must-visit attractions, restaurants, and activities that you want to experience.

Travel Destinations Planner

From vibrant cities like New York and Los Angeles to the natural wonders of the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park, the options are endless.

To get started, gather information about your desired location, such as popular landmarks, local cuisine, and exciting events.

Then, jot down your preferences and create a detailed itinerary to make the most of your trip.

Don’t forget to include transportation and accommodation arrangements to ensure a smooth travel experience.

12. Favorite Things

You can also jot down a list of your favorite things as part of your planner. This is a fun way to remind yourself of the things that bring you joy and make life worthwhile.

Favorite Things

Take a moment to write down your passions, whether it’s music, sports, or spending time with loved ones.

You can even make notes about what activities you should plan for the upcoming weekend with your family or friends.

This will help you stay connected to the things that matter most to you and ensure you make time for them in your busy schedule.

13. Reading Log

It’s a great way to keep track of the books you’ve read or want to read. Jot down the titles, authors, and dates you finished reading them.

Reading Log

But don’t stop there!

Add your favorite quotes, write quick reviews, and note down any recommendations you receive. This way, you can easily refer back to your log whenever you need a new book suggestion.

To get started, simply designate a few pages in your planner for your reading log, and use colorful pens or stickers to make it visually appealing.

14. Self-Care Tracker

When it comes to planner ideas for beginners, one essential thing you should include is a self-care tracker.

Prioritizing self-care is important in today’s busy world, and tracking activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul can help you achieve that.

Self-Care Tracker

From meditation to indulging in relaxing bubble baths, make time for yourself and take care of your well-being.

To get started, create a dedicated section in your planner where you can jot down the self-care activities you want to engage in regularly.

15. Social Events

Social events are an important part of our lives, so make sure to include them in your planner.

Whether it’s a friend’s birthday, a family gathering, or a fun party, marking these events will help you stay connected and never miss out on making precious memories.

Social Events

To get started, jot down the dates and times of upcoming social events in your planner.

You can also include any special instructions or details, like the venue or what to bring.

16. Personal Reflections

Reserve a section in your planner for personal reflections. This is a great way to foster personal growth and track your achievements, challenges, and lessons learned.

Personal Reflections

Take some time each day or week to jot down your thoughts and feelings.

Use this space to celebrate your accomplishments, reflect on any obstacles you’ve faced, and note any valuable insights you’ve gained.

17. Password Tracker

Passwords are a necessary evil in our digital lives, but keeping track of them doesn’t have to be a headache. One handy planner idea for beginners is to include a password tracker.

Password Tracker

This way, you can jot down all your passwords in one place, making it easier to recall them without the risk of forgetting.

And yes, it may not be the most secure option, but it can be helpful for those who live in a private and secure space, such as their homes.

However, to add an extra layer of protection, we highly recommend using a password manager.

Popular options like NordPass or Bitwarden can help you generate strong passwords and store them securely.

18. Doodle Space

Doodles can add a fun and creative touch to your planner. Create a dedicated space where you can let your imagination run wild and unleash your inner artist.

Doodle Space

Whether it’s sketching little doodles, adding colorful borders, or simply doodling random shapes, this space is all about expressing yourself and making your planner truly unique.

Don’t worry about being perfect or sticking to a specific theme – just have fun with it!


Now you have a complete list of 18 essential ideas to include in your planner as a beginner.

Remember, the key is to personalize your planner to suit your unique needs and preferences.

Make it your own!

If you’re looking to explore your ideas and thoughts further, why not consider starting a blog? It’s a great way to share your experiences and connect with others who have similar interests.

To get started, check out our comprehensive guide on how to start a blog.

We’ll walk you through the process step by step, from choosing a platform to writing your first blog post.

Happy planning and happy blogging!

Planner Ideas for Beginners
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Minosh Wijayarathne

A content marketer and storyteller at heart. I have a deep interest in anything related to crafting better content, increasing productivity, and being happy.

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